DambovitaArges County - Braila County - Bucharest County - Buzau County - Calarasi County - Dambovita County - Dolj County - Giurgiu County - Ialomita County - Ilfov County - Mehedinti County - Olt County - Prahova County - Teleorman County - Valcea CountyHotels in Dambovita - Travel Agencies in DambovitaOther zones : Crisana and Banat - Dobrogea - Maramures - Moldova and Bucovina - Transylvania
- geographical situation: it is located in the central-southern part of Romania, in the area of the Subcarpathians and north of the Romanian Plain;geographical situation: it is located in the central-southern part of Romania, in the area of the Subcarpathians and north of the Romanian Plain;
- neighbours: in the north-Brasov; in the south-Ilfov, Teleorman; in the east-Prahova; in the west-Arges;
- surface: 4,054 square km (respectively 1,6 % of the country's territory);
- population: 557,000 inhabitants;
- towns: TARGOVISTE-capital of the county (with 99,000 inhabitants, at the
crossing of some important comercial roads-Buzau, Braila, Giurgiu with the connection ways from Transylvania); Fieni; Gaesti; Moreni; Pucioasa; Titu.
- relief: it is varied, harmoniously decreasing in level from north to south. The difference of level is of 2,400 m (from 2,505 m, the Omu Peak, in Bucegi, to 120-125 m in Titu Plain). The three units of relief are: mountain (in the north, the chain of crystalline rocks and limestone conglomerates of the Bucegi and Leaota Mountains, easy to climb on the Ialomita and D⭢ovi-eys), hill (the area corresponds to the Muntenia-Ialomi-Carpathians and to the C⮤e-ti Piedmont, part of the Getic Piedmont), plain (it has the features of a high plain, it occupies half of the county surface-the Romanian Plain, the meadows get wider at the plain border);
- climate: it is temperate continental, 160-170 days per year the temperature doesn't go below 00 C, the wind often blows from north-east and north-west;
- watercourses: from east to west: Ialomita, Dambovita and the Arges in the south-west.
- The Bucegi Mountains-(the Omu peak 2,505 m), they are situated at the border with Prahova county and represent an interest area of the tourists wandering the Romanian Carpathians. Climbing the Bucegi is not an easy attempt, but the beauty of the landscape and of the top plateau, with marked paths, make it worth your efforts. The fascinating landscape is completed by caves (Ialomita Cave), by gorges (the Gorges of Tatarul, Zanoaga, Orza), by rocks with strange forms (the Sphynx, the Old Women, the Mushrooms). Many of these beauties make up natural preserves or have been declared monuments of nature.
- The Ialomita Valley-it is one of the most pictoresque valleys in Romania, with many visitors. On its course, the Ialomita crosses limestone and sedimentary structures creating steep slopes, narrow paths and caves;
- The Bears' Cave;
- The Cave's Gorges-with Ialomita cave; The Gorges of Tatarul; The Gorges of Orza; The Gorges of Zanoaga.
- The Springs from the Corbii Ciungi-(5 km away from the village of Corbii Mari), it can be reached by Bucharest-Pite-ti highway, zoological preserve on the left bank of the Neajlov river, a real curiosity of nature. The temperature of the springs is low, 11-12oC, so that floristic and faunistic elements specific to cold swamp areas grow here.
- Pucioasa-(21 km away from Targoviste and 42 km from Sinaia), permanent spa, one of the oldest in the country. It is located on the Ialomita Valley (at an altitude of 340-400 m), in a region of hills covered with forests. The sub-alpine climate, with chilly summers and mild winters, is stimulating for the human body. Of the devices and treatments available here, we mention: warm mineral water baths in tubs and pools, pools for kineotherapy, devices for ergotherapy, medical recovery and readaptation. Access: by train-the Pucioasa station on Bucharest-Titu-Pietrosita line, by road-DN 71 from Targoviste or from Sinaia.
- The Ruling Court-Targoviste, the most important touristic site of the town, it is a complex formed of several constructions. In 1584, Petru Cercel built a voivodal palace here. This represented the centre around which the great palace was later built, its ruins being still impressive today. This palace was rebuilt by rulers Matei Basarab, Constantin Brancoveanu, Mihai Cantacuzino. Chindia's Tower (17th century) is very well preserved today. The historical monument was meant for observation and defense. The name of the tower comes from an old game, "Chindia", which was played near the tower when celebrations were held at the court. The complex includes some churches of great architectural value;
- Brancoveanu Palace-Potlogi (1699), building with two floors.
- The Voivodal Church-Targoviste, it belongs to the Ruling Court Complex and represents one of the most important monuments of the Byzantine architecture. It was built in 1594 by Petru Cercel and later repaired by Constantin Br⮣oveanu, Grigore Ghica and Gh. Bibescu. Fresco fragments in the Brancovenesque style can still be seen today;
- The Small Voivodal Church-Targoviste, it was built at the middle of the 15th century and repaired a few times in the next centuries. The first asylum for old people in Wallachia was founded here in 1654;
- The Dealu Monastery-it was built by Radu the Great between 1495-1508, the monastery represents one of the most valuable monuments of Medieval architecture in Wallachia. Many of the Wallachian rulers are buried here. The monastery was an important cultural centre, the first printing house of Wallachia operating here;
- The Stelea Church-Targoviste, it was built in 1645 by the Moldavian ruler, Vasile Lupu, on the place of an old monastery belonging to Stelea Spataru. It was erected as a sign of friendship to Matei Basarab that's why it was named the Church of Reconciliation;
- The Viforata Monastery-(1530), it was rebuilt by the rulers Radu Mihnea and Constantin Brancoveanu;
- The Andronesti Church-Targoviste, it was destroyed by a fire in 1595 and rebuilt by Elena, Matei Basarab's wife;
- The Metropolitan Church-Targoviste, it was built in the 19th century on the place of an old church belonging to Neagoe Basarab, ruler who moved here the Metropolitan Seat from Curtea de Arges;
- The Cretulescu Church-Targoviste, it has the name of the people who built it, one of the paintings was made by Gh. Tattarescu.
- Museum of Printing-Targoviste, exhibiting photocopies, writing tools, up-makings and books printed in our country before in 1860. The most remarkable books are those printed in Romanian by deacon Coresi, Macarie's printings (the first ones in Romania);
- Museum of the Writers from Targoviste-Targoviste, with objects that give an image of the life and work of the writers who lived and created in the Targoviste pictoresque landscape: the Vacaresti poets, Vasile Carlova, Gr. Alexandrescu, I. Heliade Radulescu, I. Al. Bratescu-Voinesti;
- Vacarescu Mansion-Vacaresti, it was built between 1698-1699 in the middle of a park who resisted until nowadays (one can see here the ruins of the mansion). The Vacarescu family was attracted by the modern ideas of their times, their members were poets, writers, politicians or officers who participated to movements of national and cultural awakening;
- The Memorial House of Playwriter I. L. Caragiale-I. L. Caragiale village.